I found the Country Feed Store to be quite charming with its entirely rustic atmosphere, all the wonderful animals, and the friendly mom & pop owners. Inside a cat yawned by the register, and another cat slept in Yardbird Alley, a little room of antiques and vintage for sale.
I was so happy that they had lots of chicks for window shopping. All good egg-layers -- Rhode Island Reds, black stars, brahmas, and ameraucanas.
Ameraucanas! What luck. One of my favorites, I discovered in my research. A relatively new breed developed from the araucana chicken that lays lots of tinted eggs, mostly blue. Hence the nickname the 'easter egg chicken'. Actually these easter eggers are most likely ameraucana/araucana mutts, since purebreds are relatively rare.
The ameraucana chicks were varied in colors and patterns...I stared at them in the brooder for quite a while until I felt silly from gawking.
I really like the lighter-colored ones.
There were so many other animals to look at I didn't have time for them all, except to snap a quick pic at this emu.
As I walked by the emus a delicious aroma of fried chicken drifted from the convenience store next door. A juxtaposition that made me remember to pick up lunch on the way back to work.
I'll have to come back again another lunchtime for more window shopping. And I'm pretty sure I'm coming back this weekend for at least one easter egger...maybe two.