Thursday, November 19, 2009
Usher, This is Your Life
The parents:
Kerfluffle, a bantam frizzle cochin hen. She is really small and pretty with yellow feet. She is black but not dark black, and her front frizzle feathers have somewhat of a dark brownish lacing pattern. Usher's the little black chick with her.
'Lil Jerry, a bantam white sultan. Sultans have every fancy trait a chicken can have -- crest, muffs, beard, feather feet, vulture hocks, and 5 toes.
I don't see the resemblance! He is so much bigger than the parents. Not as large as a standard, but definitely towered over all our other bantams.
His baby photos:
Just hatched on 3/28/2009:
Stretching its wings:
As an awkward young lad:
His age:
He seemed to have received the minimum of fancy-ness, but he is still quite striking. I love his black beard and the green sheen of his feathers. He has a mini-crest, a little muff and partially-feathered feet.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Overly Restrictive
Proposed Ordinance Revision
Friday, November 13, 2009
Big Birds
Laverne and Shirley, our standard buff-laced Polish hens, are just soooo cool! We may try to hatch some of these next.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Too Many Roosters
For giveaway:
While his parents are small, he is big for a bantam, but not as large as a standard. His momma is Kerfluffle the frizzle, so I wonder if he could pass that gene along.
This bearded gentleman is small and very much d'Uccle, except for the tiny bit of fluff behind his comb. Friendly with lovely feather feet.
I was really hoping this was a pullet, because I just love this lemon blue coloring. But he's just as beautiful as a little d'Uccle roo, and I just can't see parting with him.
Fancy Little Jerry will be with us as long as he's able. I picked him out as the runtiest of a straight-run dozen hoping to get a girl, but I got a really little roo with an effeminate crow.
Frizzle Babies!
It took a week or so to look frizzle. They looked pretty normal at hatching.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
We'll miss this little silkie/sultan mix, the smallest roo. He was a cute chick, but he was kinda weird looking as a young cockerel. His deformed walnut comb seemed to take over his face. It was Halloween eve and I took the girls to my sister-in-law's church for trunk treating while Lee went to practice. It was dark by the time we got home and I forgot to close the gate. I hadn't needed to close the gate in a very long time since Lee usually does that before I get home from work.
This was the first time we've lost chickens with a mess of feathers left behind. Every other time it's just clean gone missing, picked off by a bird of prey, most likely. The next day the poor flock wouldn't even venture out of the coop for hours...they were so traumatized and their branch perches had fallen in a jumble. Whatever it was really freaked them out. Also missing is the black and white speckled d'Uccle pullet born in June. It was so skittish I never got a good picture of it except when I first posted about her and this one below that I took in August. She was pretty low on the pecking order, so I think she was probably closest to the ground when whatever attacked.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Funky-Shaped Egg
That's a weird shaped one. Glad it didn't get stuck. Those light brown ones are cochin, the small white is d'Uccle, the larger white are bantam Polish, and the large brown is either standard australorp or orpington. There's got to be hidden nests somewhere, because only when we have to keep them cooped up do we get the right amount of eggs. Sometimes if we let them out late in the morning we'll get more in the nesting boxes.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Too Hot
These are the days of summer when I get lazy about the garden and haven't even bothered to photograph the flock. I even missed these chicks' birthday photo. These are from d'Uccle eggs that Janet Leigh was broody on when we returned from our Disney trip, born about a week before this photo. The dark one looks blue.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Lisa Marie is a Winner!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Heat Stroke?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
No Crowing Yet
this is an ugly picture of it...I don't have a better one yet, at the moment. The chick has huge feet, so I've been thinking it's a roo, but it's pretty skittish.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
All Cooped Up
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The Kinetic Chicken
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Possible Roos
The largest, whitest d'Uccle/Sultan chick has a much larger comb than the others
and the silkie/Sultan has a good-sized walnut comb. Since it's an only chick, I have no other to compare it to except its mom, whose comb took a longer time to get as big.
The others' combs look like our d'Uccle hens at that age --
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Morning Wake-Up
Hawks & Pinwheels
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cinco de Mayo was Wendy's last day. She had stopped laying and was limping a little, but only in the last few days had she stopped eating and just hung out in the coop instead of free ranging with the others. We're still new to this chicken adventure, so we didn't think too much of it, expecting her to recover. I was thinking it could be bumblefoot, but her foot did not appear swollen. As a Rhode Island Red, she was our only 'production hen', laying a large brown egg about every day. None of the other chickens appear to have any problems.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Janet Leigh is a Winner!
The prettiest of them all! LOL.
"#1 Unanimously most charming overall unique appearance, interesting feather pattern..."
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Lee heard that freaky clucking of chickens panicking this morning and found two of the March 28 chicks hiding under some pine straw. This little one was nowhere to be found. This weekend we could see a big hawk's nest with babies (we could hear) up high in a nearby tree. The likely predator. Again.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
d'Uccle x Sultan chicks
d'Uccle x Sultan chicks, originally uploaded by KKerfluffle.
Here are the 3 that hatched yesterday morning. So adorable! The 2 on the right are the first ones that hatched, pictured in my earlier post.
Last 2 Chickies!
Here's the other two that hatched early yesterday evening.
I think this one is the silkie mix, pictured with the silkie mix momma Janet Leigh.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
More chicks!
d'Uccle x Sultan chicks hatched this morning! 3 more to go! All have pipped and are chirping...can't wait to get home!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
4-4-2009 3-31-27 PM, originally uploaded by KKerfluffle.
Born March 28. This flapping one is crested. One other is similar with no crest, both offspring of our standard wheaten Easter Egger Lisa. Another is black and all bantam...Kerfluffle's, we believe. All 3 are half Sultan bantam.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
In Anticipation of Chicks
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Coop Freshmen
Our 5 1/2-week old girls on their first day free-ranging. The next day, Lee moved them to the main coop with the rest of the flock, where they are learning their place at the bottom of the pecking order.