Thursday, March 26, 2009

In Anticipation of Chicks

Our Frizzle Kerfluffle has been broody on a dozen eggs, at least one each from we think all our hens except the newest ones. This weekend should be it...21 days! We've sectioned off part of the coop near the nesting boxes, and I think we're all ready.

3-14-2009 6-29-41 PM

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Coop Freshmen

3-21-2009 11-39-11 AM, originally uploaded by KKerfluffle.

Our 5 1/2-week old girls on their first day free-ranging. The next day, Lee moved them to the main coop with the rest of the flock, where they are learning their place at the bottom of the pecking order.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Current Lineup

as of March 15, 2009

Ann Margret, white-crested, black-tailed red Polish bantam
6-21-2008 10-38-40 AM

Joan Jett, white-crested black Polish bantam
f 6-14-2008 5-50-38 PM
pictured here last summer with Ann Margret and Prince Leia (RIP), because I can't find a better recent one of just her.

Lisa Marie, crested cochin bantam mix
6-26-2008 6-16-26 PM

Janet Leigh, silver-penciled silkie cochin bantam mix
2-15-2009 6-04-41 PM

lil Jerry Suzuki , Sultan bantam
3-7-2009 11-07-03 AM

Smurfette, porcelain Belgian bearded d'Uccle
2-15-2009 5-58-31 PM

Moneypenny, porcelain Belgian bearded d'Uccle
2-15-2009 5-56-20 PM
I really can't tell Moneypenny from Smurfette

Wendy, Rhode Island Red
3-7-2009 11-06-14 AM

Lisa, wheaten easter egger
2-21-2009 3-00-58 PM

Patty, Lisa Marie's daughter with Prince Leia (a splash Polish bantam)

Kerfluffle, black frizzle cochin bantam
2-15-2009 6-04-28 PM

Laverne, buff-laced bearded Polish standard
2-15-2009 6-02-54 PM

Shirley, buff-laced bearded Polish standard
Laverne & Shirley
Shirley is the darker of the two, but not always easy to figure out who's who

Ms Pepperpot, mille fleur Belgian d'Uccle
Miss Pepperpot

white Belgian bearded d'Uccle
2-21-2009 3-00-49 PM

Buff Orpington standard
Buff Orpington
no name for her, yet

Black Australorp standard (x2)
2-21-2009 2-57-10 PM
no names, yet

Friday, March 13, 2009

Cramer on the Daily Show: Thank you, Jon Stewart!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Darwin and the chicken's egg

Find out what came first...the chicken or the egg...

the rock obama

I have a crush on Dwayne Johnson.

Cluckin' Chicken is way fresh!

Since we've had chickens at home, we don't buy raw chicken anymore from the grocery store. It just doesn't feel right anymore. We'll still eat chicken at our parents, but that's about it.