Last night I moved the chicks from their newborn bin to the rabbit hutch thing we got on Craigslist a while back. I turned it upside down so it could sit on the cabinet, and because we couldn't figure out what to do with the heat lamp when it was right side up (it has a solid wood top and a wire floor). The heat lamp is attached to my grow light stand that I use for seed starting. I kinda still need it for seed starting...maybe I'll put a flat up there, too! From experience I know that bantam chicks can pop through chicken wire, so I covered it with plastic garden netting, using ugly green reindeer duct tape. But it will be easy to take off when it's no longer necessary.
The chicks seem to like their new home. I like that they are off the floor and much easier to maintain at that level. And I can see them (barely) from the house at night. Tonight it's going to be colder. Lee thinks they may need an additional lamp. There's plenty of room in there to get away from the heat if they need to.
All of them look very healthy. Every time I check on them I try to handle each one to get them used to it. I've never done a good job before in taming chicks. I hope to do better this time. I left the classical radio station 91.5 WFSQ on for a few hours last night, and turned it on this morning. Can't hurt, and it's got to be better than silence. And it's a more soothing atmosphere while cleaning up chick poop.
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